Showing posts with label Nunn Monograph. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nunn Monograph. Show all posts

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Nunn Monograph – Done!

Cover Photo for Monograph
Harry Nunn and his family

A long time coming, but the monograph on my Nunn family line is done.  The three parts were printed on Friday; Front Matter – 10 pages, Manuscript – 86 pages, and Index – 3 pages.  I brought the seventeen copies home and checked through each one making sure pages were printed, table of contents and index pages were correct.

Today I printed six ivory parchment paper pages for each of the seventeen copies that delineated the sections.  I call them “pause” pages, since the reader can pause and know another section is about to start. I also feel the different texture of the parchment adds a nice touch.

The monographs are now in a box ready to go back to Postnet to be soft cover bound.  While that is being done I will ready the padded envelopes with printed labels so I can send the monographs along to family members. 

And one last thing.  I still need to write a cover letter to go with the monographs, and that seems to be the hardest part.  Been mulling over what to say. How do you condense seventeen years of work into a few sentences?  I’ll get it done.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Genealogy Goals 2015

First, a quick review of 2014 goals:
1.   Finish Tucker monograph;
2.   Attend NGS Conference in Richmond;
3.   Continue supporting HFFI through file management and photo archive project;
4.   Continue management and content addition to FRGS website;
5.   Continue digitizing marriage licenses for City of Fredericksburg;
6.   Finish transcribing diaries of Jessie Tucker Agard;
7.   Continue blog posts;
8.   Continue Random Acts support for Genealogy Club of Newtown.

Revisiting my 2014 goals, I realized I accomplished six out of eight, which isn’t too bad a record. After connecting with my new Nunn cousins on New Year’s Day 2014, I put the Tucker monograph aside, as well as transcribing the diaries of Jessie Agard, to finish the Nunn monograph. 

The Nunn Monograph is done. I am presently in the process of getting it printed and bound. Employing the PostNet office just up the road to print the 86 page drafts saves me time and money. The manager is checking into cost of binding. I have a list of those who want a copy.  I plan to mail out these copies early in the New Year Yea!!

2015 Genealogy Goals
1. Finish Nunn Monograph and distribute copies;
2. Transcribe, add photographs, print, bind and distribute Jacksonville Church History manuscript to the church and the Ulysses Historical Society;
3. Attend NERGC in Rhode Island;
4. Continue researching the Tucker family line;
5. Continue transcribing diaries of Jessie Agard;
6. Maintain England Family Cemetery and research who might be buried there.