The Fredericksburg Regional Genealogical
2013 Tentative Program Schedule
13th – Using FindAGrave and BillionGraves websites
Dave Dorsey and other club members will demonstrate
how these websites can assist in your research and documentation for your
ancestors’ gravesites.
10th – Creating and Using Blogs
Shannon Bennett, club member and contributing
writer to Family Tree Magazine and other genealogical publications, will discuss
how blogs can be created and why they are useful in genealogical research.
8th – Making Sense of the Census
Ray Maki, club member, will present information on
the various methods available to access the census and detailed information on
what each year’s form contains.
12th – DAR Overview
Pat Milnes, Registrar for the Washington-Lewis
Chapter of the DAR will discuss current procedures and requirements for
submission of applications and the research material available at the DAR
Library in DC.
No formal meetings are scheduled for July and August
11th – Virginia Roots
Barbara Vines Little, certified genealogist and
noted national speaker, will have a presentation on methods for researching
Virginia records and repositories.
9th – DNA
Shannon Bennett, club member and contributing
writer to Family Tree Magazine and other genealogical publications, will
discuss DNA testing and how results may be useful in researching your family.
13th – Using Family Search
Ray Maki, club member, will present information on
this website, demonstrate how to access it and show examples of using their
Family Tree software.
No formal meeting is scheduled for December