Through the Manatee Genealogical Society
Facebook page I learned about Amy Johnson Crow’s genealogy challenge of
honoring an ancestor each week during the year. You can do that in any number
of ways. You can blog, twitter (#52ancestors), write a journal entry, send an
email or family photo to a cousin, make a video, scrapbook, or however you want
to honor an ancestor.
I decided this would be a great way for me to
get back into my genealogy research. The prompts run Monday through Sunday, but
there is no right or wrong way. The goal is to get you into the habit.
Amy’s schedule for January is:
Week 1 – Start
Week 2 – Favorite Photo
Week 3 – Longevity
Week 4 – Invite to Dinner
Week 5 – In the Census
I encourage anyone interested in this fun
genealogy challenge to sign up at her website.