One of my jobs while in Goshen and Elkhart Indiana was to
search microfilms for obituaries.
I found this obituary of Louis K. Hawks (son of Dwight and Estella Burns
Hawks) whose cause of death was somewhat suspicious.
Since I have always been a cat person, in our household if
anything ever went wrong, my husband always blamed the cat. Consequently I laughed out loud (sorry
library patrons) when I read Louis’ obit that included one of the theories for
the cause of his death was that the blind collie dog was the culprit!
Louis K. Hawks Found Dead:
Overcome by Gas
Body Discovered in Bed by Wife
Saturday Evening
Coroner Gives Verdict of
Accidental Death After Making Investigation
Louis K. Hawks, 34 years old, son of Dwight H. Hawks, well
known Goshen druggist, was found dead in bed at his home, 306 Wilkinson street,
by his wife, shortly after six o’clock Saturday evening. Death had been caused
by asphyxiation and was accidental, according to the verdict announcement by
Coroner Eugene Holdeman, of Elkhart, after the inquest Saturday evening. Gas
escaping from a detached hose connection for a small heater in the bedroom had
filled the house and overcome Mr. Hawks while he was asleep, it is believed.
Mr. Hawks was employed as a salesman for the Standard
Chemical Co. for the past several months, and assisted his father at the Hawks
Drug Store on Saturday evenings.
Prior to his employment as a salesman, he had been employed regularly at
the drug store. Because he had
expected to work late Saturday night, Mr. Hawks had gone to bed at one o’clock
in the afternoon. When his wife,
who is employed at the Elkhart County Trust Co., returned home a few minutes
after six o’clock, she discovered the house full of gas and immediately went to
her husband’s bedroom. She found that he was dead, and it was afterwards
learned when an examination was made that he had been dead for several hours.
Several theories as to the accident have been advanced, but
the coroner’s verdict merely stated that he had met his death accidentally from
asphyxiation. It is possible that the gas hose may have been disconnected when
the pressure was low and the escaping gas was not noticed and it was also
suggested that the hose, which ran past the door to the bedroom may have been disconnected
by a blind
collie dog which was kept in the Hawks home, as he entered or left the
room. The dog was in the house
when Mrs. Hawks arrived, and apparently was little affected by the gas. The door leading to the bedroom, and
also another door leading to the bathroom were both partially open, and the
entire house was filled with gas.
Mr. Hawks is survived only by his wife and his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Dwight H. Hawks. He was born in Goshen, and had been a resident of
this city all his life.
Episcopal funeral services will be held Tuesday afternoon at
two o’clock at the home of Mr. Hawks’ parents, 218 North Third Street and the
body will then be placed in a receiving vault at Oak Ridge Cemetery. Mr. Hawks
was a member of St. James Episcopal Church of Goshen. He was also a member of
the local company of state militia and plans are being made to have the company
attend the funeral in a body.
Rev. Roland of Chicago will assist Rev. Weeks in the funeral