Showing posts with label Taughannock Boulevard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Taughannock Boulevard. Show all posts

Friday, June 2, 2017

A Mystery to Solve - Now Solved!

I’ve been working on reorganizing, archiving and indexing my genealogy material. While adding items to my Agard Box #1, I came across a letter my great-grandfather, Arthur Agard wrote to his son, Merritt Agard, who was wintering in Florida. The letter was dated 17 February 1968, just two weeks shy of when Arthur died in his sleep.

My great-grandmother, Jessie Tucker Agard, started the letter and then handed it over to Arthur to share his news. And that is where the mystery comes in.

Below is a transcription of Arthur’s news and I wonder to what issue he is talking about. It refers to a road reconfiguration, so I thought maybe they were considering building a road diagonally from Route 96 to Route 89. But that doesn’t make sense. My cousin thinks it might have to do with zoning. Or, could it be gerrymandering? The Ulysses Town Historian is checking with his colleagues at the historical society, and my cousin is checking with the local zoning officer. I was hoping any Blog readers from the Town of Ulysses, Jacksonville or Trumansburg might have an insight as to what this issue was in winter 1968.

Arthur wrote:

“People are curious about the road and make all kinds of remarks. The Boulevard suburbanites held a meeting at Glenwood Pines and asked Bill (Agard) to come to it as he had the most inside information. As he and Bennett Stover went to Syracuse and saw the maps and since has had a set here to study, but did not take them to Glenwood meeting. It goes south of Scotts and crosses the creek and takes the old Spicer (?) house at top of hill and crosses the old Fowler 9 acres and woods and crosses the swamp on Furman and crosses Kraft and hits us (Agard Road) about 500 feet wide. Railroad counted out. Takes English’s and Ogden’s and schoolhouse (Willow Creek School) and all of Frasiers and 9 acres of the Atwater place and on to Paul Vann’s. There are no crossovers on the map. They work them out as demand calls for.”

14 June 2017 
Thanks to cousin Nan Agard Colvin, Sarah Koski, Ulysses Deputy Town Clerk, Darby Kiley, Environmental Planner, Town of Ulysses, and Carissa Parlato,Clerk, Town of Ulysses, the answer to my mystery is solved. In a link to the Official Minutes Books 1959-1976 I found a mention in the March 6, 1968 minutes that the state was planning an extension of Route 96 that goes between Ithaca and Trumansburg. I don't know what the plan was exactly, but according to Art Agards letter, it might have planned for the road to veer down to connect with other roads in the Willow Creek area, run across the top of the ridge, and come out near the hospital. That's only a guess. 

Monday, November 4, 2013

1486 Taughannock Boulevard, Ithaca, New York - In her own words

"I always loved that house. I never dreamed that I would ever live there."
~ Carol Louise Agard Nunn ~

I thought it would be fun to post my mother's memories of moving into our home. She shares her dreams, captures a time of simple living and the issue of establishing credit.            
"I have no recollection of moving day from the Jacksonville Road house to Taughannock Boulevard. The furniture we had was minimal, but it must have been adequate, because we had all the basic things.  In fact the first purchase we made when we got married was a small refrigerator. That was the only thing we purchased. Everything else came out of somebody’s attic. I remember we paid six dollars a month to pay off this refrigerator, which ran for many, many years.

            Before Eddie and I were married, we had friends, Chuck and Jeanne Lueder, and they purchased the Taughannock Boulevard house. We went to visit them at that house, and I always loved that house. I never dreamed that I would ever live there. I just liked it very much. And, was astounded when I was finally living there.

            You came in the front door and the stairs went up. It had a large enough hall so you didn’t feel cramped. It went right straight back to what we made into the kitchen. The left hand side was a living room. I don’t know what was special about it; it just suited me. There wasn’t anything really that I disliked about the house. It just seemed like it took forever to do anything we wanted to get done, but that was just financial.

            I always wanted a swimming pool there. It would have been very impractical and it never came about. We just did little things. I was pretty happy with it just the way it was.  Eddie and his father did make a whole new kitchen, which was a large room and they worked weekends. Eddie worked all week at the Morse Chain Company. On Friday night he would go to 89 Lumber on Route 89 and purchase enough material to get he and his father through the weekend. One weekend he stopped to get supplies and for one reason or another he did not have enough money to pay cash for it. They wouldn’t give it to him, because we had “no credit.” Of course we had a mortgage that we were paying on. That made him livid. He was so honest, and we always paid bills on time. So on Monday morning he went to the bank and got credit started.

            I can remember the finish they put on the kitchen cabinet doors showed the gold from the grain of the wood. I thought that was so pretty.

            Later on when we were working at the Inn - we worked many hours over there - we had wanted to carpet the kitchen, and we went down and looked at carpeting, which were these little squares that you put down. A couple of weeks later, Eddie arranged for the carpet to be put in during a day – I spent most every day at Taughannock Farms - when he knew I wasn’t going to be home. I always went home at 4:30 in the afternoon and changed my clothes to go back for the night clientele. When I walked in, here is this kitchen all carpeted.  It was like, “Oh my gosh! How did he do this?”  The carpet was a dark green with flakes in it so it didn’t show the dirt.  Unfortunately, it was about the time we were getting ready to spend more time in Florida, so I never did really spend an awful lot of time on that carpeting."

Thanks, Mom, for sharing these great memories.   

Saturday, September 28, 2013

The Book of Me – My Childhood Home in Tompkins County, New York

1486 Taughannock Boulevard
Tompkins County, New York

Our home on Taughannock Boulevard was surrounded by open acres to the north and west, a small house to the south, and the main road, State Route 89 to the east.  The stately farmhouse, located six miles north of Ithaca, New York, and two miles south of Taughannock Point, is where I grew up; an idyllic place to live. The circular driveway wound around a grassy area where several pear trees and a large snowball bush grew and filled with white blossoms each spring. A slate sidewalk beckoned family and friends up onto the wide and welcoming front porch.

This house had been the apple of my mother’s eye. Never did she dream that she might live in this lovely home. Through a quirk of fate this house became hers in 1946. The house had been owned by good friends Chuck and Jeanne Lueder. The Lueders had sold it to Carol’s parents, Maude and Merritt Agard.

Maude’s dream was to open a tearoom and this house seemed to hold that promise. As they started renovations, the large estate home owned by the Jones family of Philadelphia overlooking Taughannock Falls State Park came up for sale. It had been a tearoom before World War II, and had potential to become one again. Merritt and Maude knew that if someone bought the property known as Taughannock Farms Inn, Maude’s tearoom, just two miles south, would have serious competition. There appeared no other choice but to sell the Boulevard house plus the Jacksonville Road house in which Carol, Ed and baby Skip were living in order to purchase Taughannock Farms.

With the sale of these properties, plus a $3,000 bequest from Merritt’s maiden aunt, Bertha Agard, Merritt and Maude had enough for a down payment on Taughannock Farms Inn. Carol and Ed Nunn, now without a home, decided to purchase the house at 1486 Taughannock Boulevard.

Entering the front door of our Boulevard home a wide front hall beckoned. A stairway leading to the second floor was on the right. A wide landing allowed space for a full-length mirror and a small corner table. To the left was a large double living room with a stone fireplace. Straight ahead the large farm kitchen provided warmth in winter, and was a favorite family gathering spot year round.  Dad and Grandpa Nunn (Pop) built the kitchen cabinets from pine boards. There was a screened porch off the kitchen, too small for a table and chairs, but held a small couch to provide a sitting area. The kitchen had two large windows around which cabinets were built. Those windows afforded a view out onto the circular driveway. Years later, my mother told me she always envisioned a swimming pool within that circle.

Off the kitchen was a long narrow room that was eventually turned into a TV room. Another door went into the living room/dining room area.  The long narrow TV room also housed our upright piano. I felt a house was not a home without a piano and a cat!

Off the back room was a small bedroom where my grandparents, Nana and Pop Nunn stayed while living with us May through October each year. We grew up in an era when it was common for several generations to live together in one household.  

The house had three large bedrooms upstairs, one bath, and a large walk-in attic. Closets were at a premium in this old house, but we made do.  The bathroom was small and served the entire family. With six of us in the house over the summer, I don’t remember a problem sharing the bathroom; we all took turns.  

Our two screened porches provided summertime living spaces and in the heat of summer provided cooler sleeping quarters. I bunked down on the side porch, off the kitchen, and Dad slept on the front porch. Mom suffered through the heat in the upstairs master bedroom.

There was a one-car garage and a slate patio off the TV room.  From the TV room, we could go out onto the back patio to the clotheslines that were strung from the back of the house to the trees at the edge of the yard. 

Every house has its “quirks” and ours certainly did. Houses on the ledge of the lake did not have a great water supply. We had a tiny well out back that provided the minimum amount of undrinkable water.  For years we brought jugs of water from the restaurant to provide water for drinking and cooking.  Baths were taken with barely an inch of water, and laundry was done at the laundromat in Ithaca. Years later a washer and dryer was purchased to launder the linens at the Farms. Mom took advantage of those machines to do our laundry.

Since Mom and Dad feared fire, the house had a number of lightning rods installed along the roofline.  Consequently, I always felt safe in our house during a storm. Electrical current inside the house, however, was a problem. You couldn’t plug in an appliance and have another running off the same circuit or a fuse would blow. Sometimes life at the Boulevard house was a challenge.  

The house was heated by a coal furnace. It was exciting when the coal truck came and put its chute through the basement window.  We could hear the coal rattling down the chute and into the coal bin. The coal bin was actually just a section of the basement that was blocked off with plywood under the small cellar window just across from the furnace. During the cold weather Dad went down at regular intervals to shovel coal into the furnace.  In later years the furnace was switched over to propane, so Dad didn’t have to feed it any longer.  

During the 1950s a small silver metal box sat next to the front door.  Twice a week the Dairy Lea milkman left milk products ordered from a list left in the box.  My mother or Grandmother Nunn (Nana) ordered milk, butter and cottage cheese. Unless they were planning to bake something special, they didn’t need to order cream as a small amount floated at the top of each glass bottle of milk.

Our black wall telephone was located behind the door in the dining room. We were on a party line, so you had to listen for the ring to know whether it was for you or not.  We used it infrequently.  During the 1950s the phone was moved into the kitchen, but since our line came from Ithaca and the Farms phone was from Trumansburg, it was a long distance call to cover those four miles. Eventually we had two phones; one for family use and the other somehow hooked into the restaurant’s line so it could be answered at our house.

My room held a double bed, bookcase, dresser and dressing table. The very small walk-in closet connected to my parents’ closet off their room. The room faced south with three large double-hung windows, giving me views of the south, east and west. I developed a fondness for daisies, so my room was wallpapered in light lavender wallpaper filled with bouquets of daisies.

One of my household chores was to dust. If that was not bad enough, I had to dust between all the spokes on the stairway banister. That meant individually going between each one with a dust rag – what a slow and tedious job that was!!

When I was older I loved to mow the lawn. That was helpful for my parents since they had one day off a week – Wednesday – and that day they spent doing chores and mowing the huge yard – by hand, of course. No riding lawnmowers in those days!  I tried to mow as much as I could on Tuesdays so they wouldn’t have to spend their whole day off mowing.  Every spring I cleared the brush off the front bank that went down to the road. That made the house look so much better and I know my parents really appreciated that job done.

In the early years Mom washed clothes in the wringer washer that she set up in the back room, and filled with water from the kitchen. After the clothes went through the agitation cycle, she took them out one by one and put them through the wringer at the top to squeeze the water out.  We were warned not to get our fingers anywhere near the wringer. The clothes were then placed in a laundry basket and taken out to the clothesline to be hung up.  There they would swing in the gentle breezes and capture the fresh smell of sunshine.

Watching my mother wash the white sheer curtains that hung at our windows was always an experience.  Once or twice a year she took all the sheer curtains down to wash them in the wringer washer. Then these torturous looking wooden frames with nails sticking out all around were assembled in the kitchen. The freshly washed curtains were stretched across these frames, attached to the nails to dry. We could hardly move in the kitchen and back room area when the curtains were drying; we also had to be very careful not to get “stuck” by a nail. That hurt!

We ate our meals as a family at the kitchen table. The table sat in the center of the large farmhouse kitchen. The kitchen had a gas range that always had a dish of bacon fat on top. Bacon fat was what we used to grease frying pans with before cooking and for numerous other uses. The kitchen was also the spot where Nana did the ironing. She set up her ironing board, always being careful nothing else nearby was drawing electricity so she wouldn’t blow a fuse.  As she ironed, she sang – Tura lura, lura…and other Irish tunes. Those melodies floated through the house.

I have wonderful memories of my growing up years in the Boulevard house. As I look back on my childhood, sometimes it is hard to determine what my earliest memories really are. Favorite family stories are repeated over and over that chronicle those early years, and sometimes these stories pinpoint your identity. I have been told I was a climber – they were forever pulling me off the tables at the Farms. Another story was that on my first birthday – before I could walk – I crawled from the family picnic area at the state park right into the lake.  It seemed I, too, was drawn to the water by the hand of the Great Spirit.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Taughannock Boulevard House

The house I grew up in was situated on the ridge of Cayuga Lake along Route 89 eight miles north of Ithaca, New York.

A slate sidewalk brought visitors to the front porch where they entered a wide front hall. A landing to the right began the staircase to the second floor. To the left was a large double living room with stone fireplace. Straight ahead the large farm kitchen provided warmth in winter, and was a favorite family gathering spot year round.  The screened porch off the kitchen served as a sitting area.  The kitchen had two large windows around which cabinets were built. Those windows afforded a view out onto the circular driveway and the pear trees that grew within the circle.

Off the kitchen was a long narrow room with a floor that slanted and served as our TV room. Another door went into the living/dining room area. The house had three large bedrooms upstairs, one bath, and a large walk-in attic. Closets were at a minimum.  The bathroom was small; six of us lived in the house over the summer, and we made do.  

Every house has its “quirks” and ours certainly did. Houses on the ledge of the lake did not have a great water supply. We had a tiny well out back that provided the minimum amount of undrinkable water.  For years we brought jugs of water from the restaurant (Taughannock Farms Inn) to provide water for drinking and cooking.  Baths were taken with barely an inch of water, and laundry was done with an old wringer washer with clothes hung on outside clotheslines or inside clothes racks.
Wringer Washer
Photo from
The house had lightning rods installed along the roofline to protect against lightning strikes, but electrical current inside the house, however, was a problem. When you plugged an appliance in and something else was running off the same circuit a fuse would blow. Sometimes life at the Boulevard house was a challenge. 

During the 1950s a small silver metal box sat next to the front door.  Twice a week the Dairy Lea milkman left milk products ordered from a list, usually made up by my grandmother (pictured below), left in the box. 
Mary "Nana" Nunn - Aug. 1963
The black wall telephone was located behind the door in the dining room. We were on a party line, so you had to listen for the ring to know if the call was for you. During the 1960s the phone was moved into the kitchen.

My parents sold our family home in 1976 and moved to their Florida home to live full time. The house continues to provide happiness as the family living there now loves the house as much as we did.  I am very thankful got for that.