The Virtual Genealogy Fair, sponsored by the National Archives is going on again today. If you
missed the sessions yesterday, and can’t attend live again today, not to worry.
The sessions will be available on YouTube, and the slides are available now.
Check out the schedule of presentations and listen to all or just the ones that
interest you the most.
Genealogies of the Agard, Nunn, Hardenbrook, Wortman, Doyle, and Tucker family lines.
Thursday, October 27, 2016
Sunday, October 23, 2016
Genealogy Basics in 30 Minutes
We are
so fortunate to have talented friends and genealogy colleagues! Another new
book I wanted to bring to your attention is by Shannon Combs-Bennett, Genealogy Basics in 30 Minutes.
This write-up is from the book’s website: If you
have ever wanted to research and document your family history the right way,
then Genealogy Basics In 30 Minutes
is for you! Authored by professional genealogist Shannon Combs-Bennett, this
genealogy book explains the joys, challenges, and triumphs of researching your
family’s origins. While many people assume genealogy research starts online,
Combs-Bennett shows the importance of starting a family tree using documents
that can be found in your own home!
Basics In 30 Minutes is written in a friendly, easy-to-understand style
that avoids complex jargon. There are lots of examples, case studies, and
advice that can help would-be family historians quickly get up to speed.
addition to listing best practices for conducting genealogical research, Genealogy Basics In 30 Minutes also
warns readers about the many pitfalls of family research, from “brick wall”
mysteries to time-wasting online searches.
Basics In 30 Minutes is not a comprehensive guide. Nevertheless, in a
single reading you will be able to understand some important research basics
that will serve you well as you embark on a journey to figure out the origins
of your family. Creating a strong family tree will not only satisfy your own
curiosity, but will also serve as a record to share with relatives and future
Saturday, October 22, 2016
The new We’re Related App by Ancestry
I became
aware of Ancestry’s newest offering by way of Judy Russell’s The Legal Genealogist blog. The “We’re
Related App” is Ancestry’s attempt to get the younger generation interested in
genealogy. The app is free and is advertised as such: Find fame and
friendships in your family. We’re Related is a free app that helps you discover
if you are related to famous people and your circle of friends.
never had a desire to be related to someone famous, but I guess there are
people out there that are. Obviously there are enough people for Ancestry to
come up with this app. Case in point, when we first embarked on our genealogy
research our daughter wanted us to find we had some American Indian heritage.
So far she’s been disappointed.
downloading this app, please read Judy’s article. Although reluctant to connect
her Facebook account with Ancestry, for the sake of her readers, she went
through the steps and debunked every connection claim that was made between her
family line and a famous person. Consequently, the title of her article is: No, actually, we’re not related. After
reading her article, then scroll down to the thirty-five comments. Some folks
found a way to get around the FB/Ancestry connection. Others felt the research
was sound. Judy’s point, however, is this is not genealogy. We may be connected
to a “famous” person, but we need to do the
solid, documented research.
the journey!
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Planning a Future for Your Family’s Past
I am excited to tell you
about Marian Burk Wood’s new book, Planning
a Future for Your Family’s Past. This book contains step-by-step advice on
how to prepare your genealogy research materials for the next generation.
We put so much time and
effort into researching our ancestors. We back-up our files regularly, we
organize by family line through binders, folders, etc. We travel to family home
sites, cemeteries, town clerk’s offices, all the while saving our notes and documenting. But who is
going to take over when the time comes? And how well preserved are your photos,
original documents, etc.?
This book will help answer
all those questions. The book is available on Amazon in trade paperback form and well as Kindle.
Learn about Marian’s PASS
system from starting to sort your materials to writing a genealogical will. You
can follow Marian on her blog: Climbing My Family Tree. []
Bottom line: Every family
historian needs this book close at hand. And remember Marian’s advice:
“Inch by inch it’s a
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Holt and Foust Family Lines – A Genealogy Detour
A couple weeks ago a
neighbor sent us an email asking if we could help him locate a repository for a
packet of old documents he had inherited from his mother. We said we would be
happy to look at what he had and depending on what was there, maybe we could,
and if not, we knew people that could do an evaluation.
We arranged a time when we
both were free and he brought his packet to us. We asked our neighbor to write
down his parents’ names, birth and death dates and where they were from. After
he left, we sorted the documents on our dining room table. Once sorted, hubby
went to his computer and started a family tree using our Reunion software. I
grabbed the laptop and created abstracts of the deeds.
In the black packet with
the label “Compliments of The Pocomoke
Guano Co., Manufacturers of Fertilizers, Norfolk, VA, Double your crop by using
Pocomoke Fertilizers, It means a full pocket book,” were indentures (deeds)
for Michael Holt, Jr. dated 1760,
indenture for Thomas Mathews dated 1775, indenture of James Rogers to John Holt
dated 1796, land transfer from Benjamin
and Ann Tyson to their infant grandson, Henry McKenzie dated 1805/1806,
with private examination of Ann Tyson to make sure she was okay with the
transfer. These deeds were all in the Alamance County/Orange County, North
Carolina area.
Besides the Holt documents,
we had many items of the Foust family,
including the will of Marie Foust, Alamance County, North Carolina dated 18 April
1881. Canceled checks and receipts of Marie’s son, Thomas Foust. A War Ration
book with stamps of Gina S. Holmes.
I Googled Alamance Historical Society and got their museum’s website. I sent them a note, and then followed up with a phone call. The museum is
located in the country home of Michael Holt, III, built in 1790, so yes, they
were very familiar with both the Holt and Foust names. I offered to send a list
of the materials that were on our table, plus the abstracts, and I did that on
Today we received an email
from the Alamance County Historical Museum, and they are indeed interested in
the packet of documents. Our neighbor is going to be thrilled when he learns
there is a repository that cares about and will preserve these documents.
In the meantime, hubby’s a
bit frustrated that he could not find a connection between our neighbor’s
mother and the Holts or Fousts. Maybe the museum folks can solve that mystery
for us. In the meantime it was fun taking a genealogy detour, having documents
from the 1700s in our hands, and coming up with a happy ending for everyone.
Monday, October 17, 2016
My Doolittle Family Has Returned Unscathed
It continues to surprise
me when family historians say their family trees are only online. This
situation was brought to my attention again this week when hubby gave his
Researching with Google presentation to our community. When asked what future
topics they wished covered, the resounding vote was for what is the best
software program to use. Hubby asked what people were using, and besides us who
use Reunion for Mac, only two others responded and they were using very outdated,
no longer supported, software.
Besides developing a
written genealogy (in Word) of my family, I also enter my data into my Reunion
software. I run off hard copies of my Word document, and backup my Reunion onto
a thumb drive. And it is backed up daily onto our Time Machine. When I have time
. . . I enter my family tree into
And that is where a
problem arose. A couple of weeks
ago I received an email from FamilySearch that 76 changes were made to my Upstate
New York Doolittle family line. The Doolittles are not a direct line, but I had
done a fair amount of research on Mary Jane (Tucker) Doolittle and her husband,
John. They had six children, and I had entered all these folks, plus spouses,
children, sources and in some cases obits into this online family tree.
After receiving the notice
from FamilySearch, I went to my tree and realized John and the children had
disappeared. Someone – someone who didn’t take the time to check out the family
– merged this line with parents living in New Hampshire.
Hubby, who faithfully
attends the FamilySearch training sessions each month rolled his chair over to
help rescue my family. After an hour . . . he suggested that I should just
start over.
I didn’t like that response.
It shouldn’t be me spending hours recreating this online family tree. I
appealed to one of our genealogy society members who volunteers at the Family History
Center and has contact with Salt Lake City. Today, she and hubby worked hard to bring my family back to
my tree. When hubby got home, he showed me there is a tab to the right of the
screen that says, “recent changes.” Click on that and there should be a “restore”
button. It looked easy enough, but the fact that it took two “experts” so much
time to retrieve my family tells me there is more to that story (smile).
I’m thankful my Doolittle family
is back with their rightful wife and mother, and I’m thankful for my
FamilySearch guardian angel, Julie, who made that happen.
I hope my story will give
pause to anyone who only posts their family tree online. You should have a genealogy software program on your own computer.
All that research is valuable and should be treated that way. Ancestry is a
privately owned company. There is no guarantee that it will continue or
continue in a way that best serves genealogists. Their track record supporting Rootsweb is a good example. As my story attests,
FamilySearch also has issues, and I'm certain any online service is going to have its foibles.
Bottom line: Take control
of your data. Future generations will thank you for it.
p.s. I wrote to the person who merged my family into the wrong line and asked her to be more careful next time and double check in the future before merging.
Saturday, October 15, 2016
Olive (Beardsley) Darling
![]() |
Olive Beardsley |
Since I mentioned the photo request for Olive Beardsley (b: 1894) in my previous post, I thought it was only fair I share that cute photo of Olive. At this point in my research I don't know a lot about Olive and her hubby, Raymond Darling, but I'm happy to share what I have so far.
Olive was the third child of Frank J. and Carrie (Tucker) Beardsley. Carrie was the older sister of my great-grandmother Jessie (Tucker) Agard.
About 1917 Olive Beardsley married Raymond H. Darling
(b: 24 July 1897) of Mecklenburg, New York.
Raymond H. Darling was
the son of Andrew S. Darling (b: 1867) and Ida M. Darling (b: 1875)[1]
In the 1910 Darling household was Andrew’s father Hiram F. Darling, age 73.
Hiram was a widower. Andrew and Ida stated they had been married seventeen
Olive and Raymond farmed
the land, first near his family in the 1920s, and then by the 1930s they owned
their own farm next door to her parents, Frank and Carrie Beardsley in Hector,
Schuyler County, New York.
A year after their
marriage on 22 October 1918 Raymond registered for the World War I draft. That
document states he was born in Mecklenburg, NY on 24 July 1897. He had brown
eyes and dark brown hair. Olive was listed as his nearest relative.[2]
Olive and Raymond had
three children: Ruth E. Darling (b: 1922), Stanley M. Darling (b: 1925), and
Helen M. Darling (b: 1930).
I have since learned that this family line can also be spelled as Beardslee. It is interesting since every document I have for this family line, the name is consistently spelled Beardsley. The fun (and challenge) of genealogy is you never know what new and different information is around the corner. That's why we need to cite our sources!
Have a great day!
[1] Birth dates
for Darling family are from 1910 federal census.
[2] Registration State: New York; Registration County: Schuyler; Roll: U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2005.
States, Selective Service System. World
War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918.
Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration. M1509, 4,582
rolls. Imaged from Family History Library microfilm.
Friday, October 14, 2016
Frank J. and Carrie (Tucker) Beardsley
I was recently asked for
a photo of Olive Beardsley, and was happy to comply with that request. I then
thought about her family and decided I should post more about the Beardsley
Carrie (Tucker) Beardsley
(b: 10 Jan
1866) is my
great-grandmother’s sister, and the first child of William Lanning Tucker and Fanny
Adelia Hosner. Carrie married Frank J. Beardsley (Nov. 1864-1938) in 1886.[1]
Their children were Herbert W. (b: 23 February 1888),[2]
Mabel E. (b: April 1890), and Olive A. (b: January 1894.)[3]
Besides keeping house and
raising her children, upon her mother’s death in 1916, Carrie helped care for her
father. In her free time Carrie stayed busy with the Mecklenburg Grange and Study Club.
Frank Beardsley earned
his living as a blacksmith in the Schuyler County Town of Hector, New York,
near Mecklenburg. In 1920 he was proprietor of a garage, and then by 1930 at
the age of 65 he was helping on a nearby farm.
In his memoir,
Mecklenburg resident Alton Culver remembers Frank Beardsley. Mr. Culver states:
“He was a big powerful man and ambitious, and had the ability to turn off work like
nobody’s business. He built wagons and he could do most anything. He was a good
blacksmith, too. He was still running the shop when the model T Fords became
quite prevalent. Beardsley got the reputation of being able to fix these Fords
so they wouldn’t shimmy.”[4]
Obituaries for Carrie
Tucker Beardsley
Carrie Beardsley passed away on Wednesday at her home. She had been ill several
months. Besides her husband she leaves two daughters, Mrs. Mabel Carman of
Jacksonville and Mrs. Olive Darling of Mecklenburg and six grandchildren. The
funeral was held on Saturday at her home, the Rev. K. M. Walker of Chittenango
officiating. Burial in Mecklenburg cemetery. [5]
death of Mrs. Carrie Beardsley, aged 66, wife of Frank Beardsley, occurred
Wednesday, December 7, 1932, at her home in Mecklenburg, following a long
illness. Besides her husband she is survived by two daughters, Mrs. C. Owen
Carman of Trumansburg and Mrs. Raymond H. Darling of Mecklenburg; also three
sisters, Miss Addie Tucker of Asbury Park, NJ, Mrs. John Rightmire of
Trumansburg, and Mrs. Arthur Agard of Willow Creek; and six grandchildren. She was an active member of the
Mecklenburg Grange and Study Club.
The funeral was held at 2:00 p.m. Saturday, December 10th
from the home with Rev. K.M. Walker of Chittenango officiating. Interment in
the Mecklenburg cemetery. [6]
Obituaries of Frank J.
J. Beardsley passed away suddenly at his home on the Smith Valley Road
Wednesday about 5:00 p.m. [abt. 23 September 1938]. The funeral services were
held at the home Saturday at 3:00 p.m. and burial was in the Mecklenburg
Cemetery. Rev. Asa A. Nichols, his pastor, officiated. He was born and lived
his life in this community and had been a member of the Methodist Episcopal
Church over 51 years.[7]
Beardsley, 73, Dies; Rites Saturday. Services will be held at the home near
Mecklenburg at 3 p.m. Saturday for Frank J. Beardsley, 73, who died there
Wednesday. Although he had been in failing health for the past two years, his
death came suddenly. Rev. Asa Nichols, pastor of the Federated Church of
Mecklenburg will officiate. Interment will be in Mecklenburg cemetery. Mr.
Beardsley is survived by two daughters, Mrs. C. Owen Carman of Trumansburg,
Mrs. Raymond H. Darling of Mecklenburg; three sisters, Mrs. Elzy Jones of
Yonkers, Mrs. Charles Benson of Mecklenburg, Mrs. Homer Rappleye of Penn Yan.
Six grandchildren and a number of nieces and nephews.[8]
[1] Marriage
year from 1900 Federal Census where it was stated they were married fourteen
[2] WWI Draft Registration
Form,, accessed 2 Oct
[3] Children’s
birth dates from 1900 Federal Census.
[4] Culver,
Alton, Mecklenburg, NY, recorded abt 1993, edited by Calvin Culver, October
1998, copy held by Harvey Paige, Yellow Springs, OH.
[5] “Carrie
Beardsley,” society note, The Watkins
Express, 14 Dec. 1932, p. 9, col. 2. []
[6] “Carrie
Beardsley,” obituary, The Watkins
Express, 14 Dec. 1932, p. 3, col. 1. []
[7] “Frank J.
Beardsley,” obituary, The Watkins
Express, 28 September 1938, p. 2, col. 1. [ accessed
22 Jan 2013]
[8] “C Owen
Carman,” obituary for Frank J. Beardsley, Syracuse
Journal, 23 September 1938, p. 1, col 2. [; accessed
23 Jan 2013]
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